I’m currently a second year graduate student from Sun Yat-sun University under the supervision of Prof. Liang Chen. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from South China University of Technology, advised by Prof. Xiaowei Yang.
My primary research interests lie in Graph Neural Networks, Recommender Systems. I’m also interested in Large Language Models and its applications.
🔥 News
- 2024.10: 🎉🎉 One paper about about state space models on temporal graphs is accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
- 2024.06: 🎉🎉 One paper about cross-domain recommendation is accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems.
- 2024.05: 🎉🎉 One paper about LLM-based text2SQL is accepted as Findings of ACL 2024.
- 2023.09: 🎉🎉 One paper about graph collaborative filtering is accepted as a full paper at ICDM 2023 (acceptance rate 9.37%).
📝 Publications
Note: * for corresponding author
L^2CL: Embarrassingly Simple Layer-to-Layer Contrastive Learning for Graph Collaborative Filtering
Xinzhou Jin, Jintang Li, Liang Chen, Chenyun Yu, Yuanzhen Xie, Tao Xie, Chengxiang Zhuo, Zang Li, Zibin Zheng
arXiv, 2024.
State Space Models on Temporal Graphs: A First-Principles Study
Jintang Li, Ruofan Wu, Xinzhou Jin, Boqun Ma, Liang Chen, Zibin Zheng
In Proceedings of the Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing (NeurIPS 2024).
Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning for Cold Start Cross-domain Recommendation
Yuanzhen Xie, Chenyun Yu, Xinzhou Jin, Lei Cheng, Bo Hu, Zang Li
Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS 2024).
Decomposition for Enhancing Attention: Improving LLM-based Text-to-SQL through Workflow Paradigm
Yuanzhen Xie, Xinzhou Jin, Tao Xie, MingXiong Lin, Liang Chen, Chenyun Yu, Lei Cheng, ChengXiang Zhuo, Bo Hu, Zang Li
In the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Findings of ACL 2024).
Enhancing Graph Collaborative Filtering via Neighborhood Structure Embedding
Xinzhou Jin, Jintang Li, Yuanzhen Xie, Liang Chen*, Beibei Kong, Lei Cheng, Bo Hu, Zang Li, Zibin Zheng.
In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2023).
📖 Educations
M.E., Sun Yat-sun University.
2022.09 - 2025.06 (Expected), School of Computer Science and Engineering.
B.E., South China University of Technology.
2018.09 - 2022.06, School of Software Engineering.
💻 Experiences
Research Engineer Intern, Tencent Music Entertainment.
2024.05 - 2024.08, QQ Music.
Research Intern, Tencent.
2023.07 - 2024.04, Data Mining Center.
🏆 Competitions
- KDD Cup 2024: OAG-Challenge Academic Question Answering [Link], 🏅9th place.
- Ant Group ATEC 2023 online, Track 2: LLM - Tool Learning for Large Language Models. [Link], 🥇1th place.
- Ant Group ATEC 2023 online, Track 3: LLM - Detect AI Generated Text. [Link], 🥇1th place.
- FinvCup 2022: Fraud User Risk Identification. [Link], 🏅9th place.
🎖 Awards
- 2023 & 2024.10, First-class scholarship of Sun Yat-sun University.
- 2022.10, Second-class scholarship of Sun Yat-sun University.
- 2021.10, First-class scholarship of South China University of Technology.